MTU Registration

CCR 2024 Saturday Clinics @ MTU

Copper County Rails 2024 would like to invite MTU students, faculty, & staff to attend our Saturday presentations. Please use the form below to register for the event. 

Where: MUB Alumni Lounge (Room 107)

When: Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Cost is $20 at the door, and entitles you to a copy of The Miscowaubik/Shorts magazine (includes a virtual HCoT field guide) and convention badge. 

Note: Space is limited! If you want to attend, please complete your registration as soon as possible! You must provide your MTU email address to attend this event. Student & faculty registrations will not be taken after Wednesday, September 18, 2024. 

Note: MTU students, faculty, and staff who wish to attend the full convention, please see the convention main page. There is a special MTU rate for the full convention, but the deadline for registrations taken by mail has passed. Please use the contact us app of the bottom of the mail page and we will get back with you quickly.

Registration starts at 8:30 AM with presentations starting promptly at 9:00 AM. We will go until around noon, then break for lunch on your own. Jump in your car and patron one of the many fine establishments nearby. But be sure to be back by 1:30 PM for the rest of the presentations! We should wrap-up around 4 or 4:30 which leaves you a few minutes to get to Hancock for the remainder of the day’s activities. 

Coffee will be available in the morning, and there will be a selection of cookies and brownies in the afternoon. Water will be available all day. There are also vending machines on the ground floor if you need a snack during the day. 

Here are the presenters and their topics as of 9-7-2024 (Note, this is not the order that they will present):

Note: Presentations are subject to change without notice!